Halloween Party at Vysmátý Opičák
Get ready for a spooktacular evening full of games, dancing, and surprises!
Put on your favorite costumes and come celebrate Halloween with us. You can look forward to:
- Kids' Disco in costumes
- Creative workshops
- Face painting
- A surprise for every visitor
- And of course, tons of fun in the play area!
When: October 31, 2024, from 4:00 PM
Where: Café Vysmátý Opičák, V Remízku 1031/17, Prague 5 - Barrandov
- 300 CZK/child
- 200 CZK/sibling
Reservations at: +420 775 273 340 or kavarna@vysmatyopicak.cz
Come and enjoy a frightfully fun time!
Source: https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=122116001198530241&set=a.122093563520530241