Nordic Film Showcase at Kino Kavalírka
SCANDI is a showcase of striking contemporary Nordic films and iconic Nordic cult classics.
The phenomenon of Nordic film resonates deeply. It naturally complements the popularity of Nordic music, literature, architecture, and other arts. It’s not just about film – the North has become a brand in itself. A kind of civilized exoticism. An exhilarating blend of social order, liberal freestyle, snowy silence, pre-civilization mystery, Protestant restraint, tyranny of the majority, political correctness, yet also freedom, eroticism, primal impulses, and creative outbursts. The North is humor appearing in the most serious moment, and gravity closing every good joke. This fantastic mix was used by the likes of Ibsen or Bergman, and more recently by Östlund, Poppe, Vinterberg, or Jón Kalman Stefánsson.
Screening Schedule:
January 18th | 6:00 PM – Nothing
January 18th | 8:00 PM – Summer Light, and Then Comes the Night
January 19th | 6:00 PM – Johan the Superhero
January 19th | 8:00 PM – Dealer
January 20th | 6:00 PM – Sick of Myself
January 20th | 8:00 PM – Obsession
Source of information: https://www.kinokavalirka.cz/cs/aktualita/scandi-od-18-do-20-1-02vLt0