
Perchta from Rožmberk

  • Flats Kaskády Barrandov
  • Barrandov

Every history enthusiast is surely familiar with Perchta’s name. According to legend, after her death, she became the famous White Lady, who is said to appear at many estates of the Lords of the Five-Petaled Rose.

Perchta was the daughter of the powerful South Bohemian nobleman Oldřich II of Rožmberk, who married her off to the quarrelsome and hostile Hanuš of Liechtenstein. Her marriage turned into a life of suffering. Neither her father nor her brothers were able to help her escape the fate of a disappointed and mentally tormented woman. Her suffering ended only with her husband's death. However, Perchta is said to have refused to forgive him on his deathbed, for which the Lord of Liechtenstein cursed her.
Lecture by Jakub Rychtar.

When: April 7, 2025, at 5:00 PM
Where: Library Barrandov
Admission: Free


Source: https://www.mlp.cz/cz/akce/e31591-perchta-z-rozmberka/
