27. 3. 2024
What’s new at Šárka? A handy post office branch and info point On Wednesday, April 3, Rezidence U Šárky homeowners can look forward to their local Prague 6 information office and Pošta Partner Plus branch opening at Drnovská...
20. 3. 2024
Spring into Britská čtvrť circuit training The eagerly-anticipated second season of free circuit training at the spacious Britská čtvrť open-air sports area gets going on April 2. Come along to get into shape and meet your like-minded...
27. 2. 2024
We handle laundry at LAVOR No need to worry; our apartments are equipped with washing machines. However, we strive to support as many useful services as possible to simplify life for everyone in our localities. The...
24. 1. 2024
FINEP is the leader in the rental housing market. In the past year, we have been constructing not only apartments intended for personal ownership and cooperatives but also for rental housing. We have become a sought-after partner for...
8. 11. 2023
Britská čtvrť’s new mural art celebrates anniversary Fifteen years after its first buildings were built, the Britská čtvrť has seen its quintessential national character reinvigorated. New graphic motifs inspired by British icons recently...
19. 10. 2023
Finep supports Prague 11’s public life eyond constructing urban neighbourhoods, we also want residents to enjoy living there – and that's why we support activities that turn houses into homes. Hence our participation in events and...
4. 10. 2023
It’s here: popular Harfa’s next stage New apartments are again available at Harfa. After a three-year break, we are bringing building S to market - it will be built at the end of Pod Harfou Street behind the junction with Kabešova Street...
5. 10. 2022
FINEP news Check out how we’ve done, what we’ve organized, our new openings, and the projects we supported. July Landscape festival This year we continued our partnership of a project that raises awareness of...
23. 3. 2022
The arrival of children at risk from Ukraine Dobrá rodina o.p.s. – our long-time partner organisation – has managed to bring the first group of Ukrainian children without parents to safety in the Czech...
15. 3. 2022
Kardausova Street in Malý háj is opening On Monday, March 14, the Kardausova Street was ceremoniously opened in Malý háj. It includes a new public transport stop and 87 parking spaces for cars. From...