Rezidence U Vltavy IV

The procedure is always discussed with the client at the start of any purchase negotiations.


No-obligation oral reservation

The reservation is valid for a period of three days and is non-transferable.


Agreement on future contract

An agreement that already addresses payment conditions and its content is already very close to the very purchase contract. Both the future purchaser and the future seller agree in the Agreement on future contract on the conditions under which they will conclude the purchase contract. It integrally contains a method of financing the purchase of real estate as selected by the future purchaser.


Purchase contract

A contract under which the object of purchase/sale is transferred from the seller to the purchaser. It precisely specifies the subject of the transfer and its final price.

Payment schedule

 AmountDue date

Reservation fee

(First advance)

200 000 CZKdue within 10 days after signing of the Preliminary purchase agreement, included
Second advance20 - 90 % of the purchase pricedue within 20 days after signing of the Preliminary purchase agreement
Balance dueindividual according to the second deposit amount (first advance set off)due within 30 days after sending a written invitation to conclude the Purchase agreement

